Saturday, September 14, 2019

Documentary movie that investigates health care in the United States Essay

Sicko is a documentary movie that investigates health care in the United States which focus on the people who are covered by their health insurance and others who are not covered at all . The film show the difference between the United States health insurance system with the universal health care systems of Canada the United Kingdom, France and Cuba . There are nearly 50 million Americans without health care insurance in the United States alone and 18,000 Americans will die simply because they’re uninsured. Moore talks to one person who lost his two fingers with a power saw and realizes he would need twelve-thousand dollars to save one and sixty-thousand dollars to save the other. Since he had no health insurance to save both of his fingers, he decided to keep paid the twelve thousand dollars for his ring finger. On February 17, 1971, Richard Nixon met with John Ehrlichman to discuss the Vice President’s position on health maintenance organizations and the next day, Nixon called for a â€Å"new national health strategy† that had four points for expanding the proliferation of health maintenance organizations, The United States was ranked number 37 as a health system by the World Health Organization.. Health care in Canada is to, completely free and Canadians live three years longer than Americas . That due to their quick services at the Emergency room and doctors office. Tommy Douglas, who pioneered Canada’s health care system, was heralded as most the nation’s singular most important person to help Canada Health Insurance .Moore follows a young American woman as she crosses north over the U.S.-Canada border and to obtain health insurance by marring a close friend who is Canadian. And one man say that he had to come back to Canada after enduring an pain injury in Florida because in Canada his treatment would be free. The health care system in Great Britain is free was well. After losing 42,000 civilians in eight months during a vicious bombing†¦

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